Flax Seed Super Food Health Benefits
Proper consumption of Flax seed offers many health benefits as follows:
- Constipation – The use of flax seeds have been known to aid symptoms of constipation for centuries. The whole seeds contain around (6 – 12 %) mucilage. The mucilage adds a layer of protection to the inner lining of the stomach and coats the entire digestive tract. In result this softens the walls of the intestines and helps to bulk up stool and encourages regular bowel movements.
- Hair – The high levels of omega 3 fatty acids are great for nourishing skin, scalp, and hair, which is known to increase the hair elasticity. Consuming flax seeds on a regular basis can help eliminate dandruff, eczema, and other unknown skin conditions.
- Skin – Flax seed is high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega 3 fatty acids, which expedite healing of wounds. The omega 3 fatty acids also ease symptoms related to auto-immune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lupas, raynaud’s phenomenon (issue’s with blood circulation) and heart disease. Flax seed offers high anti-inflammatory levels. You can successfully minimize skin irritation, acne, rashes, inflammation and redness by regularly consuming flax seeds.
- Estrogen – The omega 3 fatty acids are useful for regulating blood sugar, and mimic hormone like substances made by the body from essential fatty acids as it promotes healthy thyroid function. The anti-inflammatory properties are useful for reducing cramps associated to menopause and premenstrual cycle (“PMS”).
Caution: Use caution if flax seeds are consumed on a regular basis, may interfere with absorption of other medicines.
DIY: Make your own home-made flax water; 1 part flax seeds to 5 parts purified water.
- First measure out 1/4 cup flax seeds and 1 1/4 cups purified water.
- Use a 16 oz glass jar and mix flax seeds and purified water.
- Let soak for at least 8 hours.
- Drain the seeds if you have digestion issues. The water will contain the mucilage film from the seeds and may look foggy. (This is very beneficial to treat symptoms such as diverticulitis, colon disease and constipation. Along with proper diet high in fiber, keeping hydrated and making sure to drain the seeds from the mixture will help to regulate bowel movements.)
Healthy Living,
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Source: UA. (2017). Getting the Most out of Mitragyna Speciosa. Kratom IQ. Retrieved image from Web.