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Acupuncture & Holistic Therapies

Acupuncture & Holistic Therapies

Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine, which has been utilized over 2000 years as a form of holistic treatment. This form of medicine teaches the body to release energy also referred to as qi. Qi flows internally through our bodies, using path ways through out the entire body. The path ways are also known as meridians which are able to be followed on its course or to its origin through the head to the soles of someones feet. In a healthy body, the qi flows in a balanced and harmonious manner, thus, enabling the body to repel sickness. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet or exercise, substance abuse, infection and other lifestyle factors disrupt the flow of qi rendering the human body susceptible to disease, injury, and other medical conditions.

Chinese Medicine is modernly used to alleviate symptoms such as pain, to support greater quality of life. Its widespread use as preventative medicine is under-utilized. What is actually happening when acupuncture treats pain? Many Western doctors think acupuncture’s success comes from stimulating endorphins which are natural pain-killers. This is only partially true. Acupuncture is so effective in reducing pain because it stimulates a natural detox reaction, releasing accumulation of toxins in the tissues and organs. (1)

How Acupuncture Works:

Acupuncture is one of many natural alternative therapies used in traditional Chinese medicine but it has been proven most effective. Traditional Chinese medicine is conservative and minimally invasive.

  • When a patient see’s a doctor or an acupuncturist they will observe patients eye’s, tongue, skin, and general disposition.
  • Patient’s may be asked to provide urine or fecal output as well as daily habits and lifestyle.
  • Doctor or acupuncturist will then feel patients pulse.
  • The importance of these health observations including the patients complaints enable the doctor or acupuncturist to pin point the key area’s of a patients body that may have been affected by the imbalance in their qi.
  • The doctor or acupuncturist may recommend foods list, foods to avoid, herbs, tea’s or tinctures.
  • Doctor or therapist may also prescribe natural herbs for patient to take and increase with level of acupuncture.


  • Alternative treatment to drugs for pain symptoms; such as lower back pain, neck pain, muscle strain, cramps, and osteoarthritis.
  • Nerve pain also referred to as neuralgia, migraines, and tension headaches.
  • Rehabilitation therapy; therapy following stroke or paralysis.
  • Muscle weakness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Stress

Research is investigating further as viable treatments for the discomforts of menopause along with pain and discomfort associated with chemotherapy.

Safety: Acupuncture is best if performed by a licensed professional using sterile needles. Improperly performed acupuncture can cause serious side effects.


  • Pain relief
  • Mood/psychological booster
  • Stimulation of nerves boosting body’s immunity.
  • Stimulates endocrine system.
  • Detoxification
  • Increase blood flow in an area of concern, thus promoting healing.
  • When acupuncture is paired with certain botanical blends, herbs, or along side with physical therapy it optimizes holistic healing.


(1) “Common Signs Your Body Is Accumulating Toxins: Simple Acupuncture Wisdom.” 11 Dec. 2017. Nicholas Sieben MS LAc Acupuncturist Healer, Web.


“Acupuncture: In Depth.” 21 Feb. 2017. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Web.

“Common Signs Your Body Is Accumulating Toxins: Simple Acupuncture Wisdom.” 11 Dec. 2017. Nicholas Sieben MS LAc Acupuncturist Healer, Web.

“What Is Acupuncture?” 11 Dec. 2017. Acupuncture & Natural Healing Therapies, Web.

 Healthy Living,

Jaclyn Rae

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